Tuesday, January 17, 2012

1, 2, 3, 4...Go!

So clearly when I wrote "until tomorrow" last post, I lied. This weekend was so wonderful and I spent it with my parents and younger sister (and Daniel and Landin, of course!) So I wasn't trying to spend my precious time with them on a computer :) I have simply decided to use my own judgement on when to post every day and when the posts can be bundled together...however, I did take a picture a day, so once again, I haven't failed yet!

So here is the recap on the last 4 days:
Friday: On Friday, Landin's Nanny, Grandpa and Auntie Kellynne arrived. He had SO much fun playing with them and showing them all of his new trick and toys. We had been waiting for them to visit for an entire month!
Saturday: What a day. We left at 5:30 am (yes, that early in the morning!) to head up to Hoboken, NJ! Since it is only about an hour and a half from our house we figured we would be silly to not take my parents there to enjoy an amazing cupcake (and cookie...eek!) from Carlo's Bake Shop. Well, every plan that I had to do after we got our yummy treats at 7:30 in the morning, was something that involved being outside. Well, the few days before Saturday, it was in the 40's outside...but of course, the one day I make outside plans, it decides to hang out in the teens zone. Yup, I am pretty sure it was only 18 degrees outside. So, we thought long and hard...if we are going to be outside anyway, would we want to be walking the waterfront of the Hudson river or doing something fun outside? Of course the fun option won. We decided, on a whim, to take the train into New York City! Now, that might not sound so cool to you, but coming from North Carolina, where you actually have to plan a trip to the city, I can't even describe to you how surreal it was to wake up thinking nothing of it and then all of a sudden be standing in the Manhattan Mall. Seriously, one of the coolest things ever! We had so much fun just walking around and exploring! We will plan the next trip though since we plan to actually do some tours vs. just walking around and going into random shops! So "today's" picture is of Landin's first train ride!
Sunday: you would think that we would take the day to relax. and we did most of the day, but then we ventured into town and took my parents and Kellynne to the mall. It was so much fun, especially showing my shopaholic sister all of the stores our mall has. Of course her favorite store she found is no where to be found anywhere south of here...guess she will just have to visit more often :) but without further adieu, here is Landin passed out napping before heading out to the mall. (yes, it is a monitor picture, but when I looked at the screen I couldn't resist it...how comfy does he look?!)
Monday: A day I had been (sort of) dreading...It was my family's last day here :( We hate good-byes, but with my dad also having been military, we are pretty good at them. We did wake up early enough to go to Target and BuyBuyBaby before they had to leave...Landin got some super cool pj's from his Nanny and Grandpa and I got his East suit for $22.85 when the original price was $85.00, clearly a productive day! But here is the picture of my family and Landin before they left. I love it!
So as always, I had such a hard time picking the pictures to use for my challenge, and once again, I will be giving you some extras! and once I get the pictures from my sister and dad's cameras you will probably get a whole blogpost of simply pictures...but who minds looking at pictures! So here they are, enjoy!
At Carlo's Bake Shop in Hoboken!
At the pizzeria where we enjoyed lunch in NYC
and the next three are him just playing last night! :)

until later today,
Landin's mom

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