Wednesday, January 11, 2012

better late than never, right?

So, obviously it is not December 10 but we can pretend. Technically, the challenge was a photo a day for 366 days not a blog post a day, so I haven't failed yet! So on to the post :)
yesterday, Landin had his 6 month check-up! He did so great! He loves to flirt with other kid's mothers in the waiting room and always has them asking their own (older) kids, "isn't he the cutest!?" Definitely makes this mom feel so proud! From there he doesn't stop, next it is on to nurse flirting. Of course he hams it up with them, they will be the one giving him his shots! He followed up nurse flirting by carrying on a babbling conversation with his pediatrician! but on to his stats:
Height: 26.5 inches- such a long boy :) He is in the 42% for his length and has grown 7.5 inches since birth!
Weight: 20 lbs. 2 oz. and in the 89% for his weight! last appointment we had 2 weeks ago, he was 20 lbs 3 oz. fully dressed so to only lose an ounce when taking off clothes is pretty darn good :) He has gained 13 pounds since birth.
The pediatrician once again said there should be teeth in that little gummy mouth of his soon, but he also said that 3 weeks ago and still NO teeth.

I am so blessed and thankful to have a baby who simply sleeps a ton after getting shots! Although he wouldn't sleep without being right next to mom or dad and since dad goes to work, I figured I would take on that job last night...hence, the no post! I was too busy snuggling up to my sweet boy!

with that said, you will get two posts today!
so, until later on today,
Landin's mom

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