Tuesday, August 14, 2012


This is absolutely the description of me right now. I have come to terms with the fact that this challenge seems to be more about helping me focus on capturing every day life and enjoying every second of it, more so than actually writing every day. After all, if this was meant as a way to enjoy life why would I want to spend the precious days of Landin growing up worrying about writing a blog? So I will enjoy the awake times that I have with my {too quickly growing} 13 month old and write on here when he sleeps.

Until I finally get caught up on the last few months of our life I thought I would show you guys a quick picture of how much our sweet boy has changed since May.


Holy cow, right? He is such a little boy now. You will probably read all of this again when I finally get caught up to August but I will tell you now anyways. Little man has started climing stairs! Up and down and he is pretty awesome at it. He also walks around to find Pookie (our cat) every morning when he wakes up and after nap time just to give her a kiss. His words are getting easier to recognize and he closes doors for us when we ask him to. He also knows when I ask if he is hungry and shakes his head "no" if he isn't but walks over to his high chair if he is...such a genius! In other not so proud news...Landin also sits in that green chair that is half in the picture with the plaid and sticks his tongue out with his finger up his nose...yes, my 13 month old does that. The many joys of parenting. 

So, there is my little Landin's life update! 

Until I post again,
Landin's mom